Elena Rybakina Is Coached Stefano Vukov (Who Is Borderline Abusive To Her)

Elena Rybakina is coached by Stefano Vukov. The two have been working together since 2019 and have accomplished great results including winning the 2022 Wimbledon title and reaching the 2023 Australian Open final.

But Stefano Vukov has received scathing reviews from fans and tennis pundits for the way he treats Rybakina during matches. He can often be seen yelling angrily at her. Some have even called the player-coach relationship toxic and have called Rybakina to fire Vukov.

But Rybakina has said that Vukov is a passionate coach and is a valuable part of her team and that she respects his opinions.

Vukov is a former Croatian tennis player who competed on the ITF Futures tour for a while but didn’t find much success.

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